Happy Holidays From Toronto Realty Blog!


5 minute read

December 20, 2024

Five days before Christmas and I’m still writing?

Wait……but you’re still reading!

I’d like to thank all the daily TRB readers for their continued support, readership, and contributions in the comments section over the last year, including, but most certainly not limited to:

Appraiser, Derek, Ace Goodheart, Graham (of multiple monikers), Vancouver Keith, Nobody, Anwar, Libertarian, Quiet Bard, Marina, Francesca, JF007, Sigruper, Milk Man, Sanh, Serge, Marty, Alex, Average Joe, J, TO Planner, Patty M, Condodweller, Jenn, Ed, Your Favourite Tenant, Jennifer, Different David, Peter Dewar, RPG, hoob, Jeremy, Bryan, JL, Rick Michalski, R, London Agent, Geoff, Adrian, Oscar Lutgardis, Steve, Izzy Bedibida, Sue, Alex, Marc, Nick, Pete, Cyber, Daniel, Island Home Owner, TT, Moonbeam!, Toad, Andrew, johnnychase, Jimbo, DAF, BAL, Not The David Who Runs This Website, Kevin, House Keys, Lizard, Caris, Gallop, Crofty, Frances, Addison, Cool Koshur, Pragma, Grasshopper, Keith, Jonathan C, Robert Ede, Bankersorta, Misha, MG, AT555, brodg, Mxyzptlk, and last but not least, Kyle, who posted one single comment this year but who used to be the #1 commenter dating back a decade, maybe more.  It’s amazing to think about all the names I have seen over the years, who’ve come and gone, and every once in a while, a memorable reader from yesteryear pops up.

2024 was an interesting year here on Toronto Realty Blog.

I only wrote 98 posts this year.

That’s compared to 142 last year and 143 the year before.

I cut back from three times per week to only twice out of necessity, but also to start my podcast, which is something that I probably enjoy less than slamming my fingers into these keys, but which serves as another way to connect with people who are interested in learning about real estate.

I was reminded by the readers that blog staples such as “The Friday Rant” and “More MLS Musings” have disappeared, but the latter was what Matthew referred to as, “Mail-it-in-Friday” posts, and the former has really just been repurposed as “Monday Morning Quarterback.”

We covered just about everything that needed to be covered in 2024, and then some!

Not only that, we learned that one of our dear TRB readers is clairvoyant and has the ability to look into the future.

Think back to the onset of 2024 when the idea that the Bank of Canada would cut interest rates was something that fascinated us all!

And now think back to January 11th when I proposed a classic TRG game for us all to play.

The idea was simple: accurately predict the following:

1) The date of the first interest rate cut.
2) The amount of that first interest rate cuts (by basis points).
3) The total amount of basis points cut in 2024.

Two of our readers predicted that the Bank of Canada wouldn’t cut rates at all.

One reader predicted March, six readers predicted April, only five readers accurately predicted June, and then two readers stretched their predictions into September and October.

A whopping twelve readers accurately predicted that the first interest rate cut would be twenty-five basis points, but that one was a bit of a lay up.

In the end, the question that would determine the winner of the contest was the last one:

3) The total amount of basis points cut in 2024.

And while Vancouver Keith did accurately predict 175 basis pointshe got the first question wrong, so he was never in the running.

No, in fact, it would be long-time blog reader, and one of my mother’s favorite blog readers, Marina, who went three-for-three on her predictions and emerged from the TRB Interest Rate Prediction game, victorious!

Congratulations to Marina!

Please email me and let me know if you prefer Tim Horton’s or Starbucks and where I can send your $200 gift card.

Thanks to everybody for playing.  That was fun, and although it looked, for a while, like I might win my own game, I’m glad I didn’t.  Not only because I’m happier that the Bank of Canada cut 175 basis points instead of the 125 that I predicted, but also because winning my own contest would have been super lame.

I think we’ll make this an annual event.

I don’t know what the ‘game’ should be for 2025, but I’ll come up with something for early in the year.

Actually, if any of you have ideas, I’m all ears.

Perhaps it’s the average home price in 2025?  Or total sales?  Maybe the highest average price in one month, and naming that month?

There are lots of ideas out there, and I’m open to discussion.

I’m also open, rather oddly, to the concept of rest over the next couple of weeks.

This year marked my 20th in the business, which is shocking because I started when I was only 23-years-old, so realizing that I’ve been in real estate for almost half of my life is wild.

I enjoy the business of real estate just as much now as I did five, ten, or fifteen years ago, as well as the hobby of writing blogs.

But I think the idea of spending two weeks with my family and getting to spend twenty-four hours per day with my two children means more now than it did this year, the year before, or the year before that.

I think back to that blog commenter who noted that I used to write about the escapades of a young twenty-something living in downtown Toronto, and my stories today revolve around parenting.

Well, if the shoe fits, wear it.

And that shoe is likely a winter boot, and I’ll likely be wearing it on the tobogganing hill several times over the next two weeks.

Looking ahead to 2025, I think all eyes will be on the Bank of Canada’s interest rate decisions, the sales volume in the early-going, and where average home prices are headed.

2024 was what I might call “uneventful” in real estate, and likely the most uneventful calendar year in the industry that I’ve experienced since 2018 or 2019.

But 2025 will be different.  It will be more energetic.  It will be more exciting.  And it will provide us with more notable topics here on Toronto Realty Blog as we push forward into the blog’s nineteenth year.

If I can get my body back on track, I’m aiming to take another crack at the half-marathon in May.  If not, then the goal is September.  But wow, can the body ever start to break down in one’s mid-40’s.  I’m drinking AG-1 greens in the morning, putting collagen in my coffee, I’m into my fifth year of yoga, and I’ve essentially stopped drinking alcohol.  I’ve dropped fifteen pound since the summer, thinking maybe less body weight slamming through the legs and feet, into the pavement, would reduce the risk of injuries to the ankle, knee, or lower back.

When I see y’all in your running clubs, I’ll be honest: I get a little jealous.  I mean, I’m not social enough to run with other humans in a group – that’s a crazy notion.  But just the idea that you guys are out there really makes me want to get out there too.

Good luck to everybody with your goals to eat fewer shortbread cookies, drink less red wine, and argue less with your in-laws over the holidays.

And Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year’s, and no matter what you celebrate, happy That.

See you all back here on Monday, January 6th to kick off the 2025 real estate conversation.


Written By David Fleming

David Fleming is the author of Toronto Realty Blog, founded in 2007. He combined his passion for writing and real estate to create a space for honest information and two-way communication in a complex and dynamic market. David is a licensed Broker and the Broker of Record for Bosley – Toronto Realty Group

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  1. Francesca

    at 8:22 am

    Happy holidays David and congratulations on 20 years of being in the business! Enjoy your well deserved time off with your family. The cliche’ they grow up too fast is actually true. Seems like yesterday we were tobogganing with our daughter and now she is in grade 12 applying to university!
    Looking forward to reading your blog next year and all the interesting comments that follow.

  2. JG

    at 8:55 am

    Merry Christmas to you too and do enjoy the holidays.

  3. Derek

    at 10:15 am

    Have a great holiday everyone!

  4. RPG

    at 11:59 am

    David thank you for the entertainment this year once again.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah to you and your family.

  5. Anwar

    at 12:34 pm

    Congrats to Marina.

    And while I technically went 0/3, I was trying to make different picks from the pack. Come first or come last but don’t be stuck in the middle!

  6. Peter

    at 12:12 am

    Merry Christmukkah!

  7. Marina

    at 10:26 pm

    Happy holidays everyone! Honored to have won in such a competitive field!
    David, thank you for the game! I emailed you my info.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  8. London Agent

    at 9:27 am

    Merry Christmas David and thank you for another great year of blog posts and content. I remember a couple of years ago you wrote about taking calls and showing condos for lease on Christmas Eve, maybe it was Boxing Day. I think the idea of a couple weeks to rest and recharge sound pretty great so hopefully you don’t experience the same thing this year! Cheers to 2024 and to 2025 being a fun one!

  9. Moonbeam!

    at 9:43 am

    Another year of being informed & entertained, David! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and happy new year to you and all the TRB readers & podcast listeners!

  10. Appraiser

    at 2:51 pm

    Happy Holidays one and all!

  11. LucasJ

    at 9:23 am

    Happy Festivus!

  12. Ace Goodheart

    at 9:47 am

    Merry Christmas and happy New Year! (Yes, I said Christmas, hopefully I don’t get cancel cultured).

    Looks like a new year filled with tariffs, inflation, and perhaps a little recession?

    Interested to see what lasts longer once Parliament resumes in Ottawa – Justin Trudeau, or a head of lettuce (my money’s on the lettuce).

    Oh well. Mr. Woke apologist socks man has had his day in the sun. Time for Pierre to take over….

    1. David Fleming

      at 9:50 am

      @ Ace Goodheart

      He’s not leaving.

      Would Donald Trump leave?

      They are the same. Just with different political views.

      He will prorogue parliament and use every single tactic possible to remain in office as long as he can, regardless of what it does to the country and its citizens.

      Jagmeet doesn’t have the guts to force an election. He will say “Justin needs to go” but he won’t actually force him to leave.

      An interesting few months lay ahead!

      1. Ace Goodheart

        at 6:23 pm

        He’s trashing his party. The Libs are currently at 16% support. They may not win a single seat with those numbers. 16% is bad. Really bad.

      2. Sirgruper

        at 12:24 am

        Happy Holidays and thanks for all your efforts on this blog. Truly appreciated.

        I actually said the same thing, but I added a wild card, a non confidence motion and Jagmeet is asked to form a government with liberal support. More appropriate for April fools but hey, just a scary possibility especially if they want to pass the capital gains legislation which I believe is still not passed.

        1. Ace Goodheart

          at 6:11 pm

          Looks like I win. The head of lettuce will last longer.

  13. Caris

    at 10:49 am

    I didn’t take part in the interest game but I will be on the lookout for next year’s game.

    My suggestion:
    1) 2025 average home price
    2) 2025 total sales
    3) BOC rate at end of 2025

    1. Mike

      at 1:27 pm

      Happy New Year!

      How about contest criteria that can be tracked throughout the year? It’s more fun that way, like how it was last year. Otherwise it’s just forgotten until one big reveal in December.

      1. David Fleming

        at 9:46 am

        @ Mike & Caris

        I appreciate your suggestions!

        I’m working on a few early-year blog posts as we speak. I’ll noodle on the ‘game’ and get something up by mid-Jan!

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