It was truly a treat to be taken on this detour through the West Don Lands on Saturday, as it will continue to be every night until September.
It’s nice to see that Waterfront Toronto is making good on its promises to bring this area back to life!
I guess it helps that Sunday was a beautiful day – 16 degrees!
So fast forward one year and-then-some, into the spring of 2013 when the parks at the West Don Lands are completed, and try to envision what will be accomplished.
Even with my nose pressed against that cold, steel fence, I could see acres and acres of new parklands that will be open for Torontonians to enjoy, and I think it completely changes the face of the downtown core as we know it.
It’s like Trinity-Bellwoods or Christie Pits magically appeared just east of The Distillery! And what was here before? Can anybody remember? Does anybody care to?
Considering our Toronto city council is an utter mess, and politics in this city have become a joke, I’d like to point out one thing that our city got right.
If you have a chance to head down to the future site of the West Don Lands, please do so. It’s only partially completed, but I’m already impressed…
at 11:12 am
For more info about the project, check out:
Waterfront Toronto is doing great work in the city (it takes time though). It’s one of the few things the city has been doing right for the last few years, and of course the Ford’s were coming after them as part of the gravy train. Thankfully the public has caught on to their idiocy and Toronto can move forward now with their diminished clout, and most importantly in 2014 when we can get a new mayor.
In the meantime, Waterfront TO will continue to make improvements to this and other projects like Sherbourne Common/East Bayfront, was well as what is a very under the radar project for the central waterfront (or what most of us call Harbourfront) that will commence shortly:
at 1:43 pm
I believe in a few years, the east side will be much more desirable in terms of total ‘livability’ (recreation, dining…) than the west side. It’s also easier to drive up and out of the city from the east side, as there are more major roadways that go north.