Do you know where Lawrence Park is?
You probably do. I’m sure you’ve heard of streets like Mildenhall and Cheltenham, or maybe you’ve taken a detour along St. Leonard’s Avenue to get from Bayview to Mount Pleasant.
But do you know what’s not Lawrence Park? Yonge and Lawrence.
All too often, the term “Lawrence Park” is said along side “Yonge & Lawrence,” and not only is the geography incorrect, but the demographics and housing styles couldn’t be more different.
So what is this area called?
“Bedford Park.”
I’m sure you’ve heard that name as well, but I can’t think of a more mislabeled area of the city then all the various pockets that exist at “Yonge & Lawrence.”
When I started working in real estate back in 2004, Bedford Park was ripe for development, with bungalows being torn down and McMansions being built seemingly on the daily.
In today’s Pick5, we’ll take a tour of five different detached houses, all built between 2005 and current day, and compare and contrast the lot sizes, home styles, different designs, levels of curb appeal, interior layout, and fit and finish.