Welcome to the Kingsway

May 11, 2023

If I described an area of Toronto as “Rosedale of the west end,” what neighbourhood would you think I’m talking about?

There are some very fancy pockets of Mississauga (think: Lorne Park, Meadow Wood, Erindale), as well as Oakville.

But the area I’ve always felt had a Rosedale-feel to it is The Kingsway.

Drive down Kingsway Crescent or King Georges Road, and you’ll see what I mean.  And The Kingsway has some of the best tree canopies you’ll see in any Toronto neighbourhood!

So today, let’s take a tour of the area.  We’ll look at five listings priced from below $2M to well over $4M, comparing and contrasting the lot sizes, housing styles, the age of each home, as well as specific locations within the neighbourhood.

Hope you enjoy!