The Space Between – Part II


< 1 minute read

June 14, 2011

Last week, I posted a video that showed the space between the east wall of The Hudson and the west wall of Charlie Condos.

There was no more than about two feet in between the two buildings, and Charlie Condos completely blocks the windows at The Hudson.

A reader posted a photo last week of how close Parc Lofts was built next to 15 Stafford Street.  Have a look…

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, it does.

I was amazed at the lack of space between The Hudson and Charlie, but I’m shocked at how there is about fourteen inches of space between the railing of the balconies at 15 Stafford Street and the brick wall next door at Parc Lofts.

Can you imagine being one of the owners at 15 Stafford Street, and finding out just exactly what was planned next door at Parc Lofts? I would have thought they’d be lining up to sell.

Maybe the next video I show will be of a new condo actually being built inside the building next door…

Written By David Fleming

David Fleming is the author of Toronto Realty Blog, founded in 2007. He combined his passion for writing and real estate to create a space for honest information and two-way communication in a complex and dynamic market. David is a licensed Broker and the Broker of Record for Bosley – Toronto Realty Group

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  1. Richard

    at 8:16 am

    There is a lesson to be learned here: When you’re shopping for a condo, you must evaluate the immediate area to determine the likelihood that your view may be blocked someday. There is no guarantee, of course, just a likelihood.

    If you guess wrong, or you don’t do your homework, then you will get burned. And deservedly so. Such is the free market.

    In my case, I was sort of lucky and unlucky. I bought an east-facing unit in West Harbour City (II). My guess was that I would probably have unobstructed views of the lake and city. However, those assh*les at ONNI are about to put up a 36-storey tower at The Yards, partially blocking my view of the city skyline. Luckily, I will still see the CN Tower and the Canoe Landing Park at CityPlace. But the skyline is partially ruined for me.

    I would never buy one of those Stafford St condos facing the brick wall. Yes, their property value has been ruined. Too bad you can’t sue…

    1. Matt

      at 11:33 pm

      Free market or not, this is what checks and balances are for. These two examples are simply a sign of how neglectful our local government is regarding the issues around residential construction.

      I’m not even sure you can build a house this close to your property line. I guess with a bit of financial incentive and connections with the right people anything is possible. In an ironic way, it goes to show just how ‘free’ the market really is.

  2. Devil's advocate

    at 10:23 am

    Since you mentioned it, why can’t you sue? This could be an interesting class action lawsuit for the owners who are getting shafted – it would be easy to prove damages (the decrease in property value), and it was reasonable for the developer to know that their actions would cause damage…

  3. michael

    at 11:54 am

    Hey David.
    There is a developer proposing to building a condo right next to my one-story commercial storefront. If he gets his way, and is allowed to put balconies right up against my property line, and then in five years I decide to develop my property to right up to my property line, it’s going to look a lot like your example in this video.
    I actually think the fault on this one lies equally with the builders at 15 Stafford. Surely they knew, at the time that they built theirs, that there was a possibilty their neighbours would develop their own property. I’m surprised the city allowed the balconies to be built in the first place.

  4. Justin

    at 12:05 pm

    “Richard (08:16:42): If you guess wrong, or you don’t do your homework, then you will get burned. And deservedly so. Such is the free market.”

    How does one “deserve” to be punished for not being a fortune teller?

    It’s reasonable to assume views will change over time in a developing urban area, it is unreasonable to think someone would knowingly sell you a balcony, not tell you about their future plans, then build a wall literally within arms reach in front of it in every direction rendering it near useless. Bait and switch.

    And what does this have to do with the free market at all? A) Free market economics has to do with government (not) regulating and shaping economic trade B) Canada doesn’t have a free market, making what you said irrelevant anyway.

    I believe the catch all “businesses should be allowed to be as unscrupulous as possible, it’s the customer’s fault for falling for it” jargon you were looking for was “buyer beware”, not “such is the free market.”

  5. Craig

    at 4:24 pm

    Take a look sometime at what the the south facing units in the condo at Richmond and Brant see. They are now directly looking into other units at the Zen condos on Camden street, separated only by a few feet.

    I think the Fashion House condos will do something similar to the south facing units at 455 Adelaide. So much for privacy. I’d sue the city, never mind the developer.

  6. Craig

    at 4:33 pm

    I’ve seen listings in NYC which mention “protected views”. I’m guessing there is zoning in place on buildings which guard against future development that would ruin a unit’s view. Maybe Toronto should look to this example.

    It’s hard to predict sometimes where construction might occur when buying a property. Sites which you think are safe may be rezoned and developers will never offer up their knowledge of any future development to prospective buyers.

  7. Mark of Queensland property investment

    at 12:48 am

    Wow thats close.. That would be a big downfall for the building on the left how the hell will people live there facing a wall? And how did that damn building made that without the other noticing it? Hello that would be a very huge issue. Huge money is involved to that problem. pretty interesting i would love to follow this.. please update us if what ever happen for the next months or so to that situation freaking damn << sorry for the word…

  8. WEB

    at 9:37 pm

    Can anyone say, B R I B E ?

  9. lui

    at 7:55 am

    there must be some sort of safety issues with a building that close to a balcony…I hate to be the tenant owner of the units in the middle,you got zero sunlight and the echo off the building must be insane….

  10. Krupo

    at 8:59 pm

    I’m curious to see how this passed through zoning and bylaw committees, considering the NIMBY attitude which makes it so difficult to renovate a small part of your house, let alone plop something like this in the faces of so many peoples’ faces.

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