Happy Holidays from Toronto Realty Blog

Happy Holidays from Toronto Realty Blog!

Special Features

3 minute read

December 20, 2019

I did it: I said “Happy Holidays.”

I don’t like it in place of regular greetings such as “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Hanukkah,” but to cover all the religions and occasions, it will work just fine.

2019 on Toronto Realty Blog is in the books, folks.

I’d like to thank my regular readers/commenters: Kyle, Chris, Appraiser, Condodweller, Professional Shanker, Housing Bear, Libertarian, Derek, GinaTO, Marina, Kramer, Bal/Batalha, A Grant, Izzy Bedibida, Ed, Mxyzptlk, jeff316, Joel, Francesca, Johnny Chase, Not Harold, Real Estate Millennial, Jimbo, IanC, Verbal Kint, J, Billy O, Peggy, Frances, Julia, Andrew, Graham, Jon, Clifford, Jason, Anthony, J G, Daniel, Mike, Steve, Max, Jeremy, M, Jennifer, Sigruper, Christopher, Numberco owner, Dan, O, crazyegg, Jonnathan, Newbie, Laurie, Nesa, Doug Frod, Lui, Jackie, Bitter Beet, Cyberd, Jenn, SW/Steamwhistle, WB, Chantel, Pete, FreeMoney, hoob, Linda, daniel b, Jules, m m, RPG, Paully, TOPlanner, Carl, another David, Michelle, Edwin, and anybody else I may have missed, for which I apologize, but sifting through a few thousand comments is not easy on the eyes!

I’d like to extend warm welcome back to the blog to Housing Bear and Long Time Realtor, who we dearly miss!  The blog just isn’t the same without you guys, and I fear that Housing Bear‘s bet with Kyle and Chris has forced him to sit quietly on the sidelines in 2019!

I’d also like to welcome (beg?) back Chroscklh, who hasn’t posed since the summer of 2018.  Whenever I meet people from the blog, they always mention Chroscklh.  I was sitting with GinaTO two weeks ago, whom I had just met in person after years of commenting back and forth, and she and her husband both asked about the whereabouts of Chroscklh, as well as his bear…

While I may not respond to all the commenters, I do read the comments.  All of them.  Maybe not on the day they’re posted, or even while that particular blog is live, but I read everything my readers write.  I have to.  It shows me what they’re thinking and feeling, whether it’s about the market, about Toronto, about my writings, or even about myself.

I don’t forget the names, folks.

Where’s Ralph Cramdown?  Where’s Joe Q.?  What about WEB, Potato, Devon, Negotiator, Boris, daveythej, Krupo, Floom, Asian Sensation, and Noel?

These are names I know by heart, because I remember just about everybody who’s been a regular commenter on TRB at any point in the last fifteen years.

And you know what else?  The readers know these other readers too.

I can’t tell you how often I get asked, “Do you know Chris?  Who is he?  What’s his deal?”  Or somebody will say, “Does Appraiser actually appraise houses?  Is he really an appraiser?  Is he a he or a she?”

You have no idea how interested your other readers and commenters are about you guys; the regular commenters.

In a world where everything, and everyone are on display, there’s something so curious and intriguing as names and voices with no faces or identities.  And on TRB, these identities have personalities, and the readers continue to guess at what one personality might say, based on what they’ve said before.

It’s all just so refreshing, is it not?

Log on to Instagram right now and you don’t have to guess what your friend Jenny is doing, because she’s posted 38 photos of herself on the beach, tagging the people she’s with, and pinpointing the locations.  It’s all right there, nothing to guess about.

There’s no mystery anymore.

Like when you were younger, and you’d pick up the phone and say, “Hello,” but in a sense where you actually meant it, as a question.  You didn’t know who was there!  You were genuinely asking!

Today, if you really wanted to know about a person, checking them out on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Google would speak volumes.

And this is why I think the readers on TRB are so incredibly intrigued by the commenters, not only by the comments themselves, but also these personalities that offer their opinions, insights, and arguments every day.

So once again, a huge thank you to my loyal readers and commenters for being the sprinkles on my donut, which is a far more appropriate analogy than a “ying versus yang” or “peanut butter and jelly.”  Because I write the blogs, and provide that tasty donut, but it wouldn’t be complete, nor would it be nearly as good, without that sprinkling of comments from the readers.

Actually, I think the fact that I go to Tim Horton’s every Saturday morning with my daughter, so I can get a coffee and she can get a sprinkle donut, has clearly influenced the above narrative, but I digress…

But seriously, I can’t thank you all enough.

Have a safe and happy holiday season, and I’ll see you all back here in 2020!


Written By David Fleming

David Fleming is the author of Toronto Realty Blog, founded in 2007. He combined his passion for writing and real estate to create a space for honest information and two-way communication in a complex and dynamic market. David is a licensed Broker and the Broker of Record for Bosley – Toronto Realty Group

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  1. Pingback: Happy Holidays! | Real Estate News Group
  2. Chris

    at 10:22 am

    “I can’t tell you how often I get asked, “Do you know Chris? Who is he? What’s his deal?” ”

    Haha to which I’m sure you reply something along the lines of “I don’t know who he is, or what his God damn deal is…”

    Happy Holidays all!

    1. David Fleming

      at 11:09 am

      @ Chris

      You’re a real estate celeb, whether you know it or not! 🙂

    2. condodweller

      at 5:33 pm

      You should change your name to Rocky. You are the champ. They keep knocking you down and you keep getting up and fight to the end.

    3. Kramer

      at 1:54 am

      I got my eye on you for 2020, Chris.


  3. GinaTO

    at 10:31 am

    Happy holidays David. It was a pleasure meeting you the other day, and we will talk soon, I’m sure. All the best to you, Jenna, Maya, baby-to-be, Moonbeam and dad. For the new year coming up, I wish all of us more Chroscklh!

  4. Marina

    at 10:56 am

    Happy holidays to you and your family, David.
    Looking forward to another year of TRB as a regular part of my morning.

  5. Moonbeam!

    at 11:33 am

    Loved the 3 year-end posts this week!
    Happy holidays & best wishes for the New Year to you David and to all your blog readers and commenters!
    Cheers! ????????

    1. Frances

      at 4:29 pm

      I don’t think David mentioned you in his list of regulars. Speak to him severely and don’t give him that second helping! Merry Christmas, Mom.

  6. Andrew

    at 12:14 pm

    I loved your Instagram video re: Festivus, Kwanzaa, and Bodhi Day. There’s an occasion for everybody this time of year, happy-happy-day to all and thanks again for another year of entertainment!

  7. Kyle

    at 1:11 pm

    I always enjoy reading your blogs and i enjoy all the variety ( i consider it to be informative and entertaining, sometimes at the same time – infotaining) and can only imagine the amount of effort that goes into creating this quantity and quality of content. Looking for ward to more from you in 2020 David. Thanks.

  8. Appraiser

    at 1:43 pm

    Happy New Year to ALL !

    May it be the best one yet.

  9. condodweller

    at 5:30 pm

    Marry Christmas and happy holidays David and everyone else!

  10. Gear74

    at 2:28 pm

    Posting for the first time here. David I am reading your blog for about 2 years now, never commented though. Just so you know there are probably many people like me that don’t comment but read every one of your blogs. I would like to wish you and all your readers Marry Christmas and Happy Holidays! See you in the New year!

  11. Graham

    at 11:19 am

    Happy Kwanzaa David! Harambee!

  12. Bal

    at 11:59 am

    Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year….all the best for 2020…

  13. cyber

    at 12:00 pm

    Happy holidays, David and everyone. Honoured to have made it to the list of ‘regular’ commenters, and concur as a reader that I have also dearly missed a ‘regular’ that is in a league of their own – CHROSCKLH PLEASE COME BACK!

  14. Frances

    at 4:32 pm

    Merry Christmas, to you, David and all your family.

    And I echo the comment, CHROSCKLH PLEASE COME BACK! The place isn’t the same without you.

  15. The Divine Miss M

    at 9:00 pm

    I love your blog, David. First time poster here, but one of probably many silent followers of yours!

  16. Smith

    at 1:24 pm

    I enjoyed reading your blog. I have never read this interesting blog.
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