Honestly, I didn’t just double-check, I triple-checked! And other than a “Photos of the Week” in November and an “MLS Exaggerations” in October, we really, truly haven’t run More MLS Musings since September.
Perhaps that’s why I literally have 107 photos in my musings-folder.
I don’t even know where to start!
Do I run a theme here, or just pick the best ones?
Should we look at MLS photos or should we roll with the descriptions?
Ah, I think I’ll just do this like swimming: jump in, move around, and see where the motion takes me…
I really enjoyed this photo array:
The first three photos are just so different.
Then when you get to photo number-four, you think, “Wait, is this the same house? It can’t be!”
By the time you get to the fifth and sixth photos, you’re like, “Okay, now we’re in a completely different city.”
And the next three photos literally make your mind explode with confusion.
The ninth photo comes along, and you think, “Wait………….houses have insides too?”
This condo is kind of neat:
Great couch, right?
Another shot:
Great bar stools too!
Oh, and in case you didn’t notice – there’s a goddam moped in the middle of the living room!
You know how I feel about MLS photos that show us where the building is located, right?
Like, Google Maps doesn’t exist?
Check this one out:
Yup, thanks!
Got it!
There’s the building!
Except, it’s worse than just including the photo.
This listing included it as the feature photo for the listing!
I honestly don’t even know what this is…
Those “fish-eye” photos creep me out.
I call them the “spy camera” photos, or the nanny-cam photos.
I mean, what the hell are these?
The grey colour palette and the position of the camera makes me think of this:
This one is really tricky, so head’s up, okay?
Look at the photos on the whole, not individually. Just look at what they represent.
What kind of property is this?
It’s nice, for sure.
But what’s my issue here?
Well, my issue is simple…
….it’s the wrong property.
Those photos above are clearly for a house.
They accompanied this listing:
As you can tell, that’s a condo.
And those photos above are of a house.
I took this screen-shot on the second day of the listing. I honestly don’t’ know how long it took for them to notice, but how the hell did this happen?
Imagine if you listed your downtown Toronto condo for sale and the agent included thirty-three photos of a house out in the country?
What do you reckon these sellers are thinking?
“Agnes, I know 2018 wasn’t our year, and neither was 2019. 2020 neither. But I really think that we can sell the house in 2021!”
Maybe there’s no record for “most days on market,” but this would probably be near the top, if there were.
Beautiful bedroom, right?
What am I going to say about this one?
Again, what’s the issue here?
What can I possibly point out about such a beautiful space?
This needs no explanation:
Or, it needs every explanation…
This is my dream:
To be treated to champagne and strawberries jailed in a small brick patio by 9-foot fences, staring at a brick wall:
Well, the joke is on me, since this backyard oasis is virtually staged!
Y’all familiar with the Windows program called Paint?
We used to use it when we were kids in the “Computer Lab” at school.
Somebody went to great lengths – in paint, to remove the car from this photo:
That’s Picasso-esque, honestly.
Those photo-shop skills should be put to use at the C.I.A or something…
Last, but certainly not least, if you’re a buyer out there, leave no stone unturned.
And by that, I mean open every door.
Because if you don’t open every door, including the sliding doors in the bedroom, you’ll never know if that closet has a shower and bathtub in it…
Have a great weekend, folks!
at 8:58 am
A shower closet. That’s thinking out of the box.
Gold star!
at 9:46 am
I don’t even know if I mind that shower in the closet.
The horse/ram Egyptian (?) thing is alright. I mean it’s not going to make me take an immediate pass on the place. It’s not bolted down is it?
Now, the moped. The concept is sound. You might know there is a brand new $550k laneway house Wychwood/St. Clair that has a very expensive collector motorcycle upstairs. Drain and clean the fuel/oil parts and I’m sure it doesn’t smell too funny.
Remember the old TV private eye series Vega$ with Dan Tanner? 1978-81. He literally drove his day-to-day car into the living room of his house/warehouse (like Batman). That must have stunk up the place.
at 10:32 am
This has been lingering for a while – 1217 DOM:
I also got a kick out of the house that was listed for $220M yesterday. Quite certainly someone put the decimal in the wrong place, but how do you not proofread before or even after you hit submit?
at 11:44 am
That otherwise nice master bedroom… For the couple that truly, truly, truly wants to share… EVERY WAKING BLISSFUL NOISE SMELL and MOMENT!
at 4:30 pm
CREA Report today:
“Canadian home sales see a record December — and a record 2020”
“Sales up 47% in December compared to 2019 and average home price was a record $607,280” (up 17.1%)
“Many of the areas with the biggest price gains last month were in Ontario, including Belleville, Simcoe, Ingersoll, Woodstock and the Lakelands region, where prices were up more than 30 per cent from December 2019.”
at 4:42 pm
“‘Very difficult’ to meet Canada’s immigration targets after pandemic drop: immigration lawyer
A Statistics Canada report said that Canada’s population “essentially stopped” due to COVID-19, increasing by just 2,767 from July 1, 2020 to Oct. 1 2020 – virtually zero per cent.
The aim is to welcome new immigrants at a rate of around 1 per cent of the population, which would mean 401,000 permanent residents in 2021, 411,000 in 2022, and 421,000 in 2023 – the first time Canada has set an annual immigration target above 400,000.
But setting targets is one thing – meeting them is another”
at 4:44 pm
In related news:
“Younger Canadians moving away from big cities at record levels
The nation’s three largest cities — Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver — saw a sharp jump in the number of citizens moving to suburbs, smaller towns and rural areas, according to Statistics Canada data released Thursday
It’s not a new phenomenon. People have been leaving the big cities in large numbers the last few years, replaced by new immigrants. But the pandemic has accelerated the trend, particularly among younger cohorts.”
at 11:05 am
This market is going nuts during a lock-down pandemic combined with a serious bottleneck at the border holding newcomers at bay.
Can you just imagine the demand for real estate when NPR and immigration numbers start their return?
Can you?
at 12:02 pm
The stock markets are going nuts during a pandemic combined with a serious downturn in employment and GDP.
Can you just imagine the demand for S&P500 and NASDAQ listed shares when Biden pumps another $1.9 trillion into the economy?
Can you?
As I’ve said before, I believe that many markets are going nuts because of extremely loose monetary and fiscal policy, juicing values of unprofitable company shares, Moncton homes, bitcoin, etc.
It’s benefiting my portfolio and I have no clue if/when it will end, but let’s not pretend that these kind of soaring asset valuations is normal during one of the sharpest economic contractions of our lifetimes.
at 7:57 pm
Can you imagine if you 10x ed your money if you just invested in Tesla 1 year ago? Can you?
at 1:07 am
The bedroom glass shower isn’t bad for a bachelor pad.
The bedroom toilet though… hey at least it has one of those European heated towel racks!
at 5:28 pm
“The markets in 2021: Why the crazy upward march in stock prices might just continue
Several things could get in the way of a market melt-up. But on a closer look, none seem all that formidable
An end to the covid-19 pandemic is in sight. Rich-world governments are rediscovering the joys of fiscal pump-priming. Real interest rates are so low as to make sky-high stocks look cheap. In short, the conditions seem ripe for further stockmarket gains. So ripe, indeed, that a persistent thought keeps surfacing in the minds of strategists. What is to stop stock prices worldwide going on a really crazy run?
On a closer look, then, many of the obstacles to the stockmarket’s upward march do not seem so formidable. A terrible year for the economy still produced positive returns in many stockmarkets.
Perhaps Wall Street’s year-ahead notes for 2022 will survey the wreckage of a stockmarket bust in America. But it seems as plausible that strategists will be cheering on prices from higher peaks—constructively, of course.”