Photos Of The Week – Special Edition, Continued!

Photos Of The Week

2 minute read

January 13, 2012

The more I look through my photos from Tuesday night, the more I think I simply must share these!

Wednesday’s blog post showcased a bizarre wallpaper fetish, but you’d be surprised at some of the other oddities in this ‘original condition’ home…

The above photo shows one of two items that were left behind in the house.

It’s amazing what some people will leave behind.

I’d like to think that everybody leaves behind a bottle of champagne and a hand-written note, but more often than not, they leave cardboard boxes, a couple bags of garbage, and a few miscellaneous items that they were too lazy to throw out.

The wooden flowers pictured above were a nice touch, but they don’t quite jive with what my friend had in mind for the new style and design of the home.  But at least only one of the four flowers was broken, right?

And at least there was only one other item left behind.  It was this delicious carving of a sleepy raccoon that adorned the fence out back.  If anybody wants it – call dibs!

I found this to be pretty cute.

I wasn’t aware that Radio Shack was in the home security business, or any business, really, when you consider how big Best Buy & Future Shop are, but I digress.

It just goes to show you how truly old this house was, and for the record – the only security was this sticker on the door.


The bathroom was an utter delight!

Pink tiles were a nice touch, but how about a bathroom with carpet?  Oh, how it must feel to set foot on a carpeted step before entering the shower!

And oh, what a shower it was!

So tropical!  Just look at the pleasant palm-tree etching on the inside wall of the shower!  I bet it feels like St. Maarten in there…

Not that I’d expect anything less (or more?) than this, but the following photo is indicative of how all of the electrical was run throughout the house.

Mike Holmes, have a look!

I’m no expert, but I’m not sure if this is to code.

Rather than call in an electrician and put in more outlets, somebody just drilled a hole through the living room floor and ran a wire up from the basement!

At least it gives the grandchildren something to play with…

The basement was in rough shape.  This pile of dirt is from five quick seconds of me brushing the brick with my hand.

But I’ve saved my favourite for last!

I just love this one so much because it shows creativity, and demonstrates committment!

The owner had clearly intended to spell out “GARAGE LIGHT” in those little letter-stickers that remind us of our mother’s photo-albums from the 1980’s, but ran out pretty quickly.

Then, apparently the red pen ran out as well!  So one package of stickers, and two pens later, and the switch was labelled!

Written By David Fleming

David Fleming is the author of Toronto Realty Blog, founded in 2007. He combined his passion for writing and real estate to create a space for honest information and two-way communication in a complex and dynamic market. David is a licensed Broker and the Broker of Record for Bosley – Toronto Realty Group

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  1. Darren

    at 9:44 am


    I don’t see anything wrong with the plug and switch combo from the photo. I don’t know where it’s located though. What do you think is wrong with it?

  2. David Fleming

    at 11:30 am

    @ Darren

    Well, it’s not the worst thing in the home, and it’s certainly not going to start a fire – I’m just saying that an upside-down socket and a sideways lightswitch isn’t something you’d see a home-owner install in 2012.

  3. Darren

    at 6:14 pm

    Actually there’s no code on which direction a plug is to be installed in a house. In fact in mobile homes it is REQUIRED to be that way! It’s unusual, but there are buildings out there where all the plugs at that direction because the client wanted it that way.

    1. David Fleming

      at 12:56 am

      @ Darren

      Aaaaah….now this all makes sense! If I recall correctly, you’re an electrician, right?

      1. Darren

        at 12:38 pm

        Yes I am.

  4. JC

    at 12:17 am

    It’s not the etching of the palm trees itself that is so offensive but the shower curtains, wallpaper and all the pink around it. Okay, its not something I’d install, but I could certainly live with it (with a curtain that compliments it) until I got around to redoing the bathroom.

  5. Krupo

    at 9:58 pm

    No one has called dibs on the raccoon still? It’s kind of awesome. I call dibs, I know someone who would love it. 🙂

  6. Kyle

    at 11:02 am

    The wire and the box coming out of the living room floor is brilliant, if the previous owner left enough slack wire down below, you would never need an extension cord. You could just bring the plug to wherever you needed it and when you don’t need it, just go downstairs and yank all the slack back down. Pure genius!

  7. Colin

    at 9:18 am

    @Kyle – brilliant idea!

    The GAR… light also kills me.

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