Video Friday!


3 minute read

June 9, 2017

I have a few random videos from the last couple of weeks that don’t say much on their own, but together – they make for a pretty comical post!

Have you ever walked into a house, and just been so utterly confused by what the owner, developer, or listing agent did, that you just stood there with your brow furrowed, mouth hanging open, and arms out at your side, asking nobody in particular, “Huh?”

Well, that’s the theme in these videos today.

Especially the first two, which seem to combine two rooms, into one.  See if you can guess which two…


You know how much I love surprises?

You know how much I love to make people laugh?

Well, having uploaded these videos, and realizing that the titles of the videos completely gave away the surprise in the first two videos, I went back to YouTube and changed the video titles to simply “Bedroom 1” and “Bedroom 2.”

Because honestly, folks, you wouldn’t believe what’s in these two bedrooms…

In this first video, we see a house that is, as the MLS description reads, “fully renovated.”

What they didn’t tell you was that the renovation made absolutely no sense.

Have a look:

Maybe the video doesn’t do this justice.

But it’s the most insane thing I’ve ever seen.

They wanted include an “ensuite bathroom” but they had no space.

So for some insane reason, they just installed a shower where, I would assume, a closet formerly stood.

It’s the most out of place thing I’ve seen in a long time.

Walking into that master bedroom, I immediately told my clients, “Well guys, here’s the deal-breaker.”  And when they saw it, they couldn’t stop laughing.

Now the next video is similar, but somewhat different.

Try and put yourself in my shoes – opening up this closet door, expecting to see clothing…


That’s a closet.

Those are closet doors!

Mirrored, sliding doors, in a bedroom.

And they plumbed this house in a way that they could have an “ensuite bathroom” in the bedroom.

The crazy thing is – this house is a virtual tear-down.  It’s beyond a gut.  And yet the sellers felt that adding a bathroom would bring them to the financial promise-land…

This next video has no surprises; there’s no closet to open here.

But while showing one of my clients a “penthouse condo,” we couldn’t help but look at the “gorgeous, exposed concrete” and wonder how this was $1,100 per square foot:

I mean, I get it.  I understand.  Exposed concrete is cool.

But prices in this building are $1,100 per square foot.

There are holes in the concrete wall.

There’s chisel-marks from where the forms were stripped, and there’s lettering on the walls from the workers.

I’ve seen some gorgeous exposed concrete walls, floors, ceilings, and the like.  But this just didn’t make sense to me.

In this next video, we see that spending $3,000 to stage a house does not have the desired effect, unless you spend $200 to clean it:

God, I’m so childish.

Don’t worry – I wiped that off after I shot the video.

Hey, random thought here, but did you ever write your name or initials in wet concrete when you were a kid?

I never got the chance.  But I was always jealous of “Chad” or “Eddie G” who seemed to cement (no pun intended…) their legacy in my neighbourhood by getting to the pavement outside the library before it had a chance to dry.

Anyways, that’s all I’ve got for this week, folks!

I hope you got a kick out of the bathroom/bedrooms.  I honestly don’t know what these “developers” were thinking.

Neither house has sold, and the first one was re-listed higher after it didn’t sell on offer night.

But I guess anybody can be a “developer” when the market is hot, right?

Have a great weekend!

Written By David Fleming

David Fleming is the author of Toronto Realty Blog, founded in 2007. He combined his passion for writing and real estate to create a space for honest information and two-way communication in a complex and dynamic market. David is a licensed Broker and the Broker of Record for Bosley – Toronto Realty Group

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  1. IanC

    at 8:24 am

    I am surprised they did not drywall half of the mirrored doors to create a faux pocket door. Now THAT would be interesting.

    What was the name of the design firm that did the reno?



  2. Marina

    at 9:23 am

    The closet bathroom I can forgive. Sort of.
    The cleaning is a pretty bad oversight.
    But the bedroom shower is wrong on so many levels! Glass doors so your loved one can observe in what order you wash your assets! No tile outside so you’ll drop on the hardwood. In the bedroom! There is no excuse for this.

  3. Pete

    at 10:19 am

    Was just a brief flash in the first video, but are those closet doors common? They look like shower doors, which is ironic considering…

  4. Joel

    at 10:48 am

    Who would take an unusable ensuite over a usable closet? The open shower would be very annoying and likely cause mold problems for everything in that room.

  5. Libertarian

    at 10:50 am

    I’m guessing the first two videos were being marketed towards investors as AirBnB houses – you can rent out each of the bedrooms with their own private bathroom. hahahaha!!

    Isn’t that what all those people who went to that real estate seminar put on by Tony Robbins and Pitbull are looking to invest in? Or maybe the sellers were at that seminar and that’s the advice they got on how to sell properties. haha!!

  6. Buckley B. Buckington

    at 11:46 am

    Is that a school across the street from the glass shower that is right next to the window??

  7. Buckley B. Buckington

    at 11:50 am

    I also like how the air duct on the exposed concrete is using a grill that was clearly intended for use on drywall so they just add that little square at the top of the wall.

    1. Alexander

      at 3:18 pm

      Next time you see something like this, David, suggest a neon lights for extra effect.

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