What Is Zoocasa?


6 minute read

May 29, 2013

I have to tackle this topic, or risk my readers suggesting I’m “holding back.”

Let’s take a look at the most talked-about aspect of real estate in the past couple weeks…


NOTE: This blog post was written in 2013 when Rogers owned Zoocasa.

The information contained herein does not apply to the current iteration of Zoocasa Realty Inc. Brokerage.

Much has changed since 2013.

But I will leave this blog post up so that readers may see where Zoocasa began, and also how the CEO, Lauren Haw, purchased the company and completely turned things around.



What is Zoocasa?

It’s the question on everybody’s mind.

Since Monday, I have received nine emails from blog readers, asking me what it is, and when I’m going to blog about it.

Zoocasa is doing radio ads, billboards, and they’re everywhere.  They’re in the newspaper, and they’re being talked about.

I’d like to speak very bluntly about Zoocasa, as I’m accustomed to doing with respect to most topics on my blog, however Zoocasa is a Brokerage, registered under RECO, therefore the same rules apply with respect to Zoocasa as they would apply to any agent or brokerage.

I can’t disparage John Smith, Realtor, or XYZ Real Estate, Brokerage, so I can’t do that with Zoocasa either.

What I’ll do, is give you some examples, and leave it up to readers to fill in the rest.  But first, what is Zoocasa?

Zoocasa is a website, backed by Rogers, and headed up by Lawrence Dale (previously associated with Realty Sellers and T.O. Solds), whose goal, according to their website, is to “Help people make smarter home buying and selling decisions.”

Zoocasa is what we call a “VOW,” or a “Virtual Office Website,” which we’re seeing more and more of in Toronto.

Zoocasa does not have a physical brokerage, like Bosley, Chestnut Park, Forest Hill Real Estate, etc., and they do not have Realtors working for them.

In my opinion, Zoocasa is a “lead-aggregator,” whose purpose is to find people who want to transact in real estate.

Zoocasa accumulates “leads,” and farms them out to Realtors for a 35% referral fee.

I also assume that there is a membership cost, annual fee, and other costs, but as a VOW, Zoocasa is authorized to transact in real estate, via their referral network.

Zoocasa advertises that they will connect buyers with “Top Realtors,” and while I can’t disparage any Realtors or specifically talk about good/bad Realtors & Brokerages, I can give you an example.

Patrick Rocca is a Realtor with Bosley Real Estate, who has been the top Realtor in Leaside for about 15 years running.  His name is a brand, he is the unofficial mayor of Leaside, and there is nobody who does more business in the area, who has worked their longer, or who is a bigger or better name.  However, if you go to Zoocasa, and search in Leaside, Patrick’s name will not come up at all, let alone as a recommended “Top Realtor.”

Try it yourself.

Search an area and see which Realtors come up as “Top Realtors,” who Zoocasa would like to refer you to.

If you look at the names of Realtors or Brokerages out there on the Internet, be it on Zoocasa, or some other site, you can determine for yourself through a host of mediums, just who the good Realtors & Brokerages are, and who don’t fall into that category.

Now, without saying anything specifically about the people who might frequent Zoocasa, let me talk about my own clientele.

My clientele are made up of three distinct groups:

1) Repeat clients who are satisfied with my services
2) Referrals from clients who are happy to recommend my services
3) Blog readers who enjoy what I have to say, and who want to do business with me

There are a thousand ways to skin a cat, and when it comes to getting clients in real estate, Realtors have an infinite number of options at their disposal.

But if you ask the experienced Realtors with steady business, they’ll tell you that repeat and referrals make up the bulk of their business.

So, without speaking directly about Zoocasa, let me, based on my own business and experience, ask this question: “What kind of buyer, and what demographic, would go online to a corporate real estate search-engine website and enter their personal information to find an agent to help with the property search?”

Think, for a moment.

Where did you find your Realtor and/or property?

Were you referred by a friend?

Did you find the Realtor online?

Did you attend a seminar?

Did you search properties on MLS, and seek out the listing agent?

Or did you listen to a radio advertisement, go to a website, enter your personal information, and wait for some completely random agent to contact you?

To each, their own.

I read a comment by Lawrence Dale where he said something to the effect of, “We charge the standard 35% real estate referral fee,” with respect to Zoocasa.  I find this interesting for two reasons:

1) The standard fee is, and always has been, 25%.
2) Mr. Dale has previously organized real estate of being anti-competitive when it was suggested that 5% was the “standard” real estate commission, and yet he is referring to “standard rates” here.

So let me ask this question, again, irrespective of Zoocasa:

What kind of Realtor works and gives 35% of their earnings away to the person who referred them the business?

Not a single “Top Realtor” in the city of Toronto is working on deals and handing out 35% referrals, except, apparently, those associated with Zoocasa.  Just in case my opinions are called into question, let me say this, I’m sure that every Realtor associated with Zoocasa is a Top Realtor, and I respect them all, and hold them in high regard.


Draw your own conclusions.

This is not the first time this has been tried.

VOW’s can make a killing by finding a way to attract leads, farming out leads, and taking a percentage.

I was approached earlier in the year by a VOW who runs a radio show, and who solicits leads through call-ins on the phone.  They said they get 100,000 leads per year, and they refer these leads to “Top Realtors” who they have hand-picked, in exchange for a 25% referral.  This “privilege” came with a $5,000 annual fee.

I passed on the offer, which was presented to me as an honor, in what was supposed to feel like an interview, not necessarily because I don’t want to pay $5K for leads and kick-back 25%, but rather because I am truly blessed to have the clientele that I do.  Let me give you an example…

Last week, I took a young girl out to see a townhouse in Riverdale, along with her friend from work (they joked that they needed the “buddy system” in case I a was a psycho).  This girl was referred to me by a past client, to whom I sold a condo in 2011.

The girls and I were very candid with one another, joked around, had fun, and talked about how getting a dog and going for walks at the dog-park is a great way to meet your future spouse!  We hatched a plan for my new client, and even determined the breed of dog she should get!  I also told the girls a few stories about their friend – the one who referred me, and how he and his partner might have played ‘dress-up’ with a few items we found in a condo one day.  See Monday’s blog post for more info…

My clients are amazing, and if anything, I get separation anxiety when we stop working together.  I get very emotionally attached to my clients, and together, we make the process fun.  I wouldn’t be able to work the hours that I do, if I didn’t enjoy the people I work with, and for some strange reason, I seem to have fun, play around, joke, and really enjoy my clients’ company about 90% of the time.  I can’t tell you have many “life conversations” have taken place in the kitchen of somebody’s house up for sale.

As I said – I’m blessed to have this clientele.

Not every agent has the same situation.

Are there agents out there that will dig through crappy leads, generated by a faceless real estate search engine, and pay 35% upon a successful sale?


Are these people “Top Realtors?”

No comment.

Who are the people that seek out real estate site via sites like this?

No comment.

According to Zoocasa’s radio ads, they are going to take the pain and struggle out of the real estate search process.  If this is truly the case, then every single one of you should sign up right away, and ignore the way real estate has been bought and sold for the past hundred years.

Have you ever seen an advertisement on TV, maybe at 2am, for a weight-loss pill that can help you lose 120 pounds in six weeks with no exercise, no dieting, and no side affects?

Draw your own conclusions…

My one fear here, to be honest, is that Zoocasa could be used as a loss-leader for Rogers, all in attempts to sell Rogers products to people who really just want sold prices on real estate, and might be looking to buy in the near future.  Is there a conflict of interest here, if Rogers uses personal information from Zoocasa?  I think that question was rhetorical, but I can’t tell…

In any event, I welcome competition.

When all the discount brokerages started popping up – most of which have gone out of business, I said that I welcome the opportunity to show buyers and sellers my value as a Realtor.  If anything, they’re helping me to hone my craft.

I welcome fresh blood and competition into the real estate industry, and personally, I think competition is part of the free market, so bring it on.

Written By David Fleming

David Fleming is the author of Toronto Realty Blog, founded in 2007. He combined his passion for writing and real estate to create a space for honest information and two-way communication in a complex and dynamic market. David is a licensed Broker and the Broker of Record for Bosley – Toronto Realty Group

Find Out More About David Read More Posts

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  1. Joe Q.

    at 9:28 am

    I’ve commented on this before, so maybe I’d better keep it brief. There are too many Realtors in the GTA — 35,000 for a region of 5.5M people works out to about one realtor per 65 households. Too many part-time and inexperienced Realtors out to make a quick buck. Too many Realtors cheerleading the RE market even when things don’t look good. Too many unethical or clueless Realtors abusing the system, getting reprimanded (or not) by RECO and giving the whole industry a bad name.

    1. Al

      at 11:00 am

      Well said. Too many bad agents who give good agents and the industry a bad reputation. Why don’t they make it tougher to get a RE license? Oh wait, because OREA is greedy and they survive on the high turn over rates.

      1. David Fleming

        at 2:53 pm

        @ Al

        You need to meet two criteria in order to apply for your real estate license through OREA:

        1) Must be 18 years old
        2) Must be a resident of Ontario

        As you would imagine, it’s a pretty stringent process…..ahem…

        1. Al

          at 3:22 pm

          Just applied. Seriously, I did.

        2. Peter

          at 2:44 pm

          There are 3 phases of tests to become a licensed realtor in Toronto, one of which has failure rates on par with the bar exam. Stating all you need is to be 18 and a resident of Ontario is misleading. OREA and TREB need to do a much better job informing the public about the current testing process. Otherwise the post was great.

          How many realtors will switch to Bell and Telus now that Rogers is in direct competition with them?

          David- do you think Patrick having billboards all over Leaside is a similar cost as another agent paying Zoocasa a referral fee? Isn’t it all marketing at the end of the day. Remax gets a cut of their agents commission for leads through remax websites.

          Maybe the best question is, who named the site zoocasa? Seriously that’s the best they could come up with.

          1. David Fleming

            at 11:25 pm

            @ Peter

            Current testing process?

            Do you want to talk about “mandatory continuing education?”

            Right – those “24 hours worth of credits,” that most agents pay their 9-year old child to do online for them, in an hour.

            And to compare the real estate license to the bar exam is a joke. Look, I’m a Realtor, I work hard, and I’m proud of what I do. But I’m not going to pretend for a second that it’s hard to pass the real estate exam. The failure rates are high because ANYBODY can take the exam, and they do! People who take the bar exam are of a whole other ilk.

            And how come people who can’t speak English are allowed to use pocket translators and other gadgets in the exam? Is this what we want for the industry?

            I can’t even believe I’m having this conversation…

          2. Geoff

            at 9:11 am

            Peter; Not sure where you get your information but RE/MAX does not take a cut on any leads generated on their websites and never has. Sounds like propaganda generated by our competition. Great blog post that really sums up the value proposition of professionals. I will leave it at that.

          3. lori

            at 12:29 pm

            remax gets a cut of the leads through the website?? NOT true! ALL remax agents receive their own leads AND leads from other brokerage listings…at NO charge…

    2. Joe Q.

      at 11:52 am

      I should also mention — too many agents who add little value (beyond “gate-keeping” access to MLS and other services or privileges that an RE license provides).

  2. David Fleming

    at 10:08 am

    @ Joe Q.

    I agree with everything you said, 110%.

    As for Zoocasa? Does it change the game? Or just add to the problems you’ve identified above? Are you suggesting that Zoocasa will proliferate the success and existence of these bottom-barrel Realtors you describe?

    1. Joe Q.

      at 11:51 am

      I think Zoocasa’s model reflects a situation in which the supply of Realtors far exceeds the actual demand for them.

  3. Chantal

    at 11:40 am

    I would suggest a “Top Realtor” also does not go through and try on clothing in a seller’s home. Despicable.

    1. Bojangles

      at 12:47 pm

      Um… Sarcasm much, sweety pie?

      1. Chantal

        at 12:51 pm

        🙂 just spicing it up.

        1. David Fleming

          at 2:52 pm

          I was being sarcastic, hence my direction to Monday’s post where I was…..being sarcastic. But the point I was trying to make was that I have a lot of fun with my clients, and you’re never too old to act silly.

  4. Gord Martin

    at 1:39 pm

    Well said, sir. I also had a go (http://tinyurl.com/q7wh9kh) … we are as one on the basics, you add great flavour on how a true and good lead and rlationship happens, I go a bit into the “rebate” part of the zoocasa pitch which, surprise, doesn’t strike me as all that impressive on close examination.
    Close examination is often the key, whether zoocasa or your late-tv weight loss pill. If it seems too good to be true …

  5. Huuk

    at 2:59 pm

    MLS is broken.
    Zoocasa is an alternative, but not any better.
    The original Zoocasa had all sorts of area statistics and demographics information that were better organized and tailored than anything MLS could provide. Once Rogers and Friends revamped it, they broke it.

    Toronto needs a Canadian version of zillow.com. I want to see basic information that should be readily available to everyone and not under lock and key within TREB and MLS. Show us Days on Market! Show us previous selling prices (available to all agents and all lawyers, but guarded like Fort Knox from the public)! I want to know about price drops and relists. What we get from MLS is a candy-coated joke.

    1. David Fleming

      at 3:35 pm

      @ Huuk

      I agree that more information should be available to the public, no doubt.

      I feel stupid telling my clients, “The listings you get from me – those are from TorontoMLS.net, our broker site. The listings you get on Realtor.ca aren’t as good.”

      The basic information – days on market, new listings, etc should be available, no question. And mls.ca and realtor.ca need a re-design.

      But what other information should be available is up for debate. Remember that the Competition Bureau wanted the seller’s full legal names to show! This contravenes the Privacy Act. And ironically, when Melanie Aitken, the former-head of the the Competition Bureau, who led the charge against CREA, listed her house for sale – it said “M.Aitken.” What an incredible hypocrite!

      Zillow.com is great. Statistics should be available for all.

      Don’t forget that TREB releases “Marketwatch” every single month, and you can get statistics for every property type and location.

      But I know people want specific information about specific houses, ie. being able to look up the sold price for 123 Smith Street. This information is available by anybody who wants to visit the Land Registry office, but alas, people want it NOW! Melanie Aitken also wanted this information available as soon as a deal was written, meaning if a deal falls apart – TOO BAD, the public already knows the price it was at.

      I could go on forever…

      But I’d like to hear more about what YOU people want to see!

      1. Huuk

        at 12:21 pm

        Thanks for the reply David.

        As a home buyer, its drives me crazy that I have to rely on my agent to give me the basic sales data of what houses sold for in my desired neighbourhoods. The lack of transparency of that information makes the general public (or at least all the people I speak to in the 28 – 38 years old group) think that most agents are Hacks that rely on protected sales data to keep their jobs. This is not the case for all agents, but I have heard of many ‘Top Realtors’ that use this data as crutch and for leverage.

        The real problem I see is that as houses start to sit and the market in Toronto starts to flatline (dare I say, decline?) the DOM and Price Drop/History info is crucial. MLS will be even more guarded with this information because it will be in more demand from buyers, thus giving them additional leverage and reliance.

        Let me tell you what I want to see:

        1) Current DOM
        2) Price History for previous 12 months (so that even if taken off the market, the pricing information remains)
        3) Last Selling Price and Year
        4) House Square Footage – How is this not available on MLS?!?
        5) MPAC Value

        Buyers are going to be looking for DEALS!

        1. Joe Q.

          at 12:52 pm

          guava.ca provides some of the information you’re looking for, but not all (yes previous listings and price history, DOM; no MPAC or square footage).

        2. David Fleming

          at 3:46 pm

          Okay, let’s take a look at these five…

          1) Current DOM – I agree, 110% that this should be on realtor.ca.

          2) Price History – I know that a lot of sites in the United States offer this, and realtor.ca does not. Would I mind if this were accessible? Not at all. The only problem is implementation and accuracy.

          3) Last Selling Price & Year – Disagree. I’ll give you the last 12 months, since it would be nice to know if this house was listed at $599K with a hold-back on offers, then $649K after the sellers didn’t get a satisfactory offer, then again at $549K to create a bidding war, and on, and on, and on. But is it the public’s “right” to know the sale price of house in 1991? Yes, it is. And they can go to Land Registry and find out. They just won’t have this info at the click of a button.

          4) House SQFT – Totally agree. However, accuracy is the problem, as there are many ways to calculate square footage, and litigation would be rampant if this were included on MLS listings. In addition, it’s up to Realtors to pay for custom floor plans (I always pay for this – part of my listing package, and a good marketing tool), but remember that most Realtors are cheap, and won’t pay for this. You can’t force this. I tried to make “square footage” a mandatory field on MLS, for condos, when I was on the Condo Committee at TREB, and it took 3 years to get this approved.

          5) MPAC value. I have no problem with this. There is a field on MLS for “assessment” and many Realtors do use it.

          Anything else?

          From other readers?

        3. jeff316

          at 4:12 pm

          Buyers look for deals, sellers look to maximize price. Why should the system be geared toward buyers rather than sellers?

  6. JG

    at 3:44 pm

    Its a lead generator. Period.
    It appeals to new agents who are more than willing to give away half their commission.
    Let me say it than: Would a ‘top agent’ need to align with a Lead Generator service and sacrifice half their commission? Call me naive but for the David Fleming’s and Patrick Rocca’s out there, I would say 100% not. Their business as a ‘top realtor’ professional would be flourishing.
    Now there is nothing wrong with using the services of someone new in the industry as we all have to start some where, but I would be hesitant in calling them ‘top realtors’.
    And lastly, the fact that Rogers is backing them is my biggest concern. What is their role in all this? Its definitely not because they are being nice to financially back the VOW. Are they pilfering the information? Will I now be called to setup a new Rogers phone and TV package after I purchase my new house? Give me a break. The last thing I need is more telemarketing calls from an out sourced company overseas whereas my friends are losing their homes here in Canada because their job was out sourced.

  7. patrick

    at 4:38 pm

    great post david…and some good comments..thx for the mention..love this blog!

    1. ScottyP

      at 4:10 pm

      Patrick, I want your autograph.

  8. Kyle

    at 6:10 pm

    At the heart of it, Zoocasa’s model is not about providing valuable information or “top agents”. From what i can tell the real reason anyone would choose to buy through one of their agents is because Zoocasa provides rebates to the buyers, which of course are paid for by the agents, giving up a portion of their commission in the form of a 35% referral fee.

    My question is why is Zoocasa allowed to give buyers what in essence is a commission kickback, when regular buyer agents are not?

    1. ScottyP

      at 6:33 pm

      That’s a pretty good question, Kyle. I smell a loophole.

    2. Jas

      at 11:29 pm

      Regular agents are allowed to give a kick back “only to those who are party to the transaction”. Either the buyer or the seller… RECO only forbids Bird Dog Fees… that is give Referral fees to any brokerage that is not licensed to sell real estate in ontario.

  9. Tim Syrianos

    at 12:39 am

    Very well thought out blog David and educational. No need for agents to have fear in these web sites and focus on the service and value they provide. We can all guarantee thatvthe marketplace will continue to evolve. I love and embrace technology and 100% agree that Your comments are bang on!!

  10. Barry Lebow

    at 9:37 am

    This is an exceptionally well presented post on a hot topic. I came into real in 1968 when Abbey Real Estate was taking full page ads in the major newspapers offering full service at 3.5% when the market was set at 6% by MLS members. Abbey attracted agents who were paid weekly and they performed – weakly. Everyone told me, “you are crazy, the game has changed, you will never make money, join Abbey.” Save for this old guy (me) how many today remember Abbey R.E.? I am not dismissing Zoocassa, Rogers has deep profits but Rogers works on bottom lines. They want results, they want it quickly or they will pull the plug. Unless Zoocassa makes money from the get go, they will be just another in a long line of ventures that I have seen come and go since the ’60s. One year from now, we shall reflect on their impact. Again, so well stated, my compliments and I hope Pat Rocca did not read this – don’t want it to go to his head!

    1. David Fleming

      at 11:37 am

      @ Barry Lebow

      I can’t find Patrick – I think he’s out getting fitted for a larger hat! 🙂

      It was just an example.

      I could have pointed to the Wright Sisters, DeClute, and Al Sinclair as having about 80% of the Beaches tied up.

      Or Richard Silver in Cabbagetown.

      Or Julie Kinnear in Bloor West.

      My point is that there are a lot of agents who have a massive presence in certain areas, and Zoocasa won’t refer any of them as “Top Realtors.”

      1. Reginald

        at 2:55 pm

        Presence has nothing to do with “Top Realtor”. Case in point, (CENSORED) is one of the most un-ethical, lieing, immature people out there, yet he/she is popular becasue he/she spends a ton of money on advertising. Real Estate services are a commodity plain and simple. If you find someone with average intelligence they can easily handle a transaction accordingly and provide you with all the appropriate data you need to make a good decision. Up to a certain level of service it just can’t get any better…a good bar or soap is a good bar of soap, there is nothing you can add to it. Real Estate agents are just bars of soap, its not that hard to find a good one, problem is there are a ton of really bad ones as well and it is way to easy to get a license. There is no way that is worth 5% of a transaction. The system and the fees have to change. It’s happening in the US and it will eventually creep up here. If it were not for MLS having a monopoly position on listings, there would be no need for an agent. List your house on kijiji and get a good lawyer would be all that is needed.

        1. David Fleming

          at 3:07 pm

          @ Reginald

          I censored the name of the agent you called out, since I think it’s slander, and because this being my website – I would be in trouble if I left his/her name up.

          As for the rest of your comment, it’s so poorly written, full of hyperbole, and lacks any follow-through or evidence, that I’m not even going to comment.

          Instead, I ask my regular readers, and those Realtor-haters and market-bears that are well-spoken, to follow up on Reginald’s comment with something intelligent.

          1. ScottyP

            at 4:09 pm

            Oh Reginald, Reginald, Reginald….

        2. Al

          at 9:47 am

          Sure why not list your house on Kijji, same place you can list a pair of used underwear. This is only your biggest investment and see how much you really save. Go for it Reginald, maybe one day you’ll learn your lesson.

        3. Rinske

          at 8:22 am


          In 30 years there has been many a time where my skills held the deal together. A Realtor does more than just search and show and sell. The best ones are consultants to their clients.

          I have handled conflict, confrontation, over the top emotions, disagreeing spouses, financial distress, disappointment, parental disapproval, grieving spouses and parents, suicide homes, adult children opposing the sale, folks moving for the wrong reason, buyers and buyer agents trying to reduce the price after a home inspection, financial education, geographical education, neighbourhood dynamics, multiple offer situations, maximizing property value before a sale, waiting and searching for years for the right property to come along and more that I can’t think off right now. I am now selling to the second generation. I am proud to be a licensed Real Estate Broker – I offer great value – when you are ready to buy or sell, give me a call.
          Rinske Wagenaar

  11. Jeff

    at 11:15 am

    Plain and simple…the RE business model needs to evolve and adapt to the digital age.

    That hasn’t happened yet and realtors are clinging to an old, out of date mode of doing business.

    Do many RE’s effectively use digital tools (i.e. websites, etc.) to market themselves and drive business? Absolutely!

    Has the business model changed at all (in Canada/Ontario particularly)? No….but it’s going to.

    1. Jeff

      at 11:17 am

      (Great post by the way)

  12. Judy

    at 12:55 pm

    As a REALTOR(r) I have grave concerns about some of these site because clients may think the poor service they may receive is typical of the industry and it could affect our reputation. I will they had to do business in a clearly distinct name so people will know that good REALTOR(r) work hard for their clients best interest and are good, ethical business people. The public should vote with their dollar and work with professionals. The market will cull the bad agents over time and these pop-up trends will continue to come and go.

    1. Joe Q.

      at 11:16 pm

      In a way, it is difficult to say what is “typical of the industry”. David posted sometime last year about the enormous number of registered TREB Realtors who basically do one or two deals per year. On a Realtor-average basis, most Realtors are tremendously inexperienced. On a transaction-average basis, things look very different.

  13. Charlene Kalia

    at 3:41 pm

    Great post!

  14. Chad McBain

    at 10:18 am

    Very nicely written.

  15. Kevin Broome

    at 11:08 am

    Thanks you for writing this. I am going to share this….

  16. Jeff M

    at 8:27 am

    Listen I work in a very busy office on Yonge Street near Yonge & Lawrence and the non-producing agents are the individuals that are putting their time and energy into Utube video, QDR barcodes, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Important – somewhat but a minor piece of background marketing. Stick to your traditional formula of speaking directly to people, go to agent’s open houses, pick up the phone and say hi to your past clients and tell them about a house, ask people what they are looking for in real estate services. Not rocket science here. If a potential client elects to use a service like Zoocasa big deal they would not be loyal to you regardless. If you are an agent and have signed up with them – break a leg! Our industry will always be challenged but rise to the occasion and do a better job and leave the mass e-mail/internet to the Viagra peddlers!

  17. Jonathan M.

    at 12:02 am

    They should have named it SuCasa (as in spanish for “your house”) sounds similar and feels personal. In my opinion “Zoo” implies that you are going to be entering into a wild, untamed, risky and dodgy area of.real estate with “top agents.”

    David I agree with you, its about the personal connection. Selling your home or buying your new home is an extremely personal transaction. I wouldnt trust that to a monkey from the Zoo. (In no way am I calling “top agents” from Zoocasa monkeys. I am merely making a statement about not trusting actual monkeys with a personal transaction.)

    great blog post.

  18. Hellen

    at 12:24 pm

    I hate the intrusive ads from ZOOCASA on my computer. Does anyone know how to block this invasion?

  19. Hani Faraj

    at 12:29 pm

    I’d like to add, Rogers got into the group buy business and they closed it down. RDEALS, lasted less than 3 years. The fact is, people want to buy but dont want to get sold. Pushing people buy from you because you have media power will back fire just like google tried to make everyone sign up for google plus.

    Good post. Thank you for your contribution to our business of real estate.

  20. Darryl Mitchell

    at 8:48 am

    Interesting perspective on a new business model. I am now the Broker of Record of Zoocasa. How times change! Just as at one time we had to hand write offers and deliver them only in person, today technology has driven our industry to look at how we can improve the consumer experience. Obviously you are a great Realtor and with over 36,000 Realtors who are members of TREB, it is difficult for many consumers to determine who they should select as their Realtor of choice for information on their real estate purchase or for that matter as an information source.
    Zoocasa, the brokerage just offers another alternative.
    Just as time moves on, so does our industry, and I would suggest that the type of client and customer generation is changing as well. If you would like to learn more about my thoughts on how Zoocasa can benefit the industry, just give me a call.
    Darryl Mitchell, Broker of Record, Zoocaca, Brokerage.

    1. Rinske

      at 8:30 am

      Darryl, I hope you can correct your post – Zoocaca

      I ended up on this blog trying to learn about Zoocasa from the Realtor’s perspective.
      Could not find any information by google-ing how to become an agent member of Zoocasa, but I did get the picture reading this blog.

  21. Adrienne Moul

    at 5:32 pm

    David, this is my first time on your blog. I’m a real estate professional in Calgary. I just want to complement you on not only your outstanding blog post, but the intelligent way you are handling some of the more umm, colourful comments.

  22. Jason Smith

    at 8:12 pm

    Since Zoocasa has shut down, i’d stick to using Urbanic.ca for home buying

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