Tuesday Top Five…


3 minute read

April 15, 2008

Answer: Lack of creativity.

Question: Why am I featuring a top-five list?


A spontaneous conversation in my office took place today—“What’s your current real estate pet peeve?”

Here are my top five…


How the heck do I narrow it down to just five things that bother me?

Well, this is more of a current list, ie. things that have bothered me in the last week or so.

#5: No Key-FOB in the Lockbox.  This happens more than you might think, and there is simply no reason for it.  In all condominiums throughout the city, you need either a key, a scan-card, or a key-fob to get in the front door of the building.  Imagine opening up the lockbox outside a condo and seeing ONE key—the unit key!  So how do I get inside?  Should I break the window?  Scale the back fence?  Start buzzing random people?  If you’re the Realtor who has listed this unit, PUT A KEY IN THE LOCKBOX!! Saturday, I simply waited until an old lady came out, then I snuck inside.  She asked me what I was doing, and I told her that I was really a jewel-thief dressed as a (somewhat) respectable real estate agent.  Suffice it to say, we got inside the building…

#4: No Photos on MLS.  I have never been on a blind-date.  Never, ever.  I would at least require a photo of the person before I go and meet somebody I know nothing about.  So why would a Realtor list a property on MLS with ZERO photos?  MLS allows us to put nine photos on the listing, and thus in my opinion, anything less than nine is a waste.  Run out of things to photograph?  Take a picture of the toilet or something; you might as well!  So many properties on MLS are listed with no photos, and I don’t understand, from a marketing standpoint, how you expect to sell a unit or even entice people into viewing it, with ZERO photos!  And from the seller’s perspective—what the hell are you paying your agent for?

#3: My Own Swarthy Persona.  I’m a pretty confident guy for the most part; not self conscious very often.  But last weekend, I was taking a friend of mine out to see condos, and I saw this guy in dress pants and a shirt, with a blackberry on his hip and a leather portfolio in his hand.  I immediately recognized him as a Realtor.  I sarcastically asked my friend, “Is that what I look like?”  He matter-of-factly stated, “Yeah, pretty much.”  My jaw dropped!  I asked him, “Is it that obvious that I’m a Realtor?”  He answered, “Well, yeah.  Add the sheepish grin on your face, and you guys all look alike.”  Egad!  He’s right!  We all look alike!

#2: “I’m Looking For My Friend.”  Every time I work an open house, I get a couple ladies who tell me, “Well, I’m actually looking around at houses for my friend.”  Let’s just be honest here: in today’s world, do people really care that much about other people?  Do people sacrifice their weekends to help others?  I mean, hasn’t this excuse expired?  Look, I know that you just want a peek inside the house, or you really live next door.  Just tell me!  You don’t have to use your imaginary friend as an excuse.  Am I supposed to somehow believe that your “friend” is hard at work hauling lobsters off the fishing boats down at the pier, and you’ve taken it upon yourself to find him a suitable residential property?

#1: Offers If Any.  I’m sorry, but I find this to be so condescending; offers “if any.”  Agents include remarks at the bottom of the listing for their cooperating agents and say things like “Offers Gratefully Accepted April 18th.”  But when they include “if any,” it’s just lame.  There was a property that got seventeen offers last week, and the brokers instructions said, “Offers If Any Reviewed April 9th.”  So, are we really to assume that you thought there was an outside shot there wouldn’t be ANY offers?  And you just happened to get seventeen offers?  Please!  In a market this hot, EVERYTHING gets offers!  If you don’t get offers, you are doing something wrong (ie. price!).  From now on, just write “Cha-Ching on April 18th, Deal With It!”

Well, there you have it.

Real estate is full of small, bothersome details, but sometimes these little things really get on your nerves!

I’m sure I could compile a Top-100 list if I really had to, but who has time to read that?!?!

Written By David Fleming

David Fleming is the author of Toronto Realty Blog, founded in 2007. He combined his passion for writing and real estate to create a space for honest information and two-way communication in a complex and dynamic market. David is a licensed Broker and the Broker of Record for Bosley – Toronto Realty Group

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  1. Sanh

    at 1:24 am

    The photos thing always astounded me too.

  2. Krupo

    at 2:26 am

    I wish I had a property to sell just so I could get the broker to put ““Cha-Ching … Deal With It!” on mls…

Pick5 is a weekly series comparing and analyzing five residential properties based on price, style, location, and neighbourhood.

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